স্বাস্থ্য অফিস

Brittany Behrendt RN, BSN
School Nurse
Direct: (708)442 - 8363  Ext: 2152 
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Julia Wolski CNA
Nurse Assistant
Direct: (708)442-9313  Ext: 2251
Health Office Fax: (708)442-0129
Health Office Email: [email protected]
Instagram: rbhs_studenthealthoffice
About Us:
The RB Health Service Department is here to help promote and assist with the health needs and well being of our students and staff. We are located on the first floor in room 139. 
RB Health Service Department Provides the following services:
  • Provides care for ill and injured students and staff
  • Manages the administration of medication to students per doctors orders
  • Maintains student health records per IDPH and ISBE 
  • Maintains records for all emergency plans 
  • Performs annual vision and hearing screenings
  • Provides community resources
  • Collaborates and supports school psychologist and social workers 
Our goal is to help educate our students on how to maintain good health and healthy choices.
Previous Student Health Letters: