Daily Bark Friday, December 10, 2021

Attention artists looking to submit a performance for the Dance Slam, please email Ms. Dall as soon as possible with your interest to submit, or stop by the dance studio or RM. 123 anytime next week. Submissions must be added to the show before winter break! 

Today students have the opportunity to write Notes of Acknowledgement for staff. Please stop by the table at the north end of the cafe to fill out a note for any staff member. This is a great opportunity to say thank you! 

Film Club has been canceled for this week.  Listen up and look for signs for our next meeting. 

Attention seniors! Senior Quotes and Superlative voting for the yearbook are due by Monday, December 13th at midnight. Please check your RBHS email account for the links to vote and submit your quotes.  Contact Mrs. Marsh in room 262 with any questions.

This week, AST will be hosting a fundraiser for Bernie's Book Drive, a non-profit organization that donates gently worn and new books to children throughout Illinois.  Also, throughout the week, different teachers, faculty members, and students will be sharing their favorite childhood books on the morning and afternoon announcements. Our fundraiser will be running through December 17th. Please bring any gently worn or new books that you have. Donation boxes will be located at Door A each morning before school. Thank you for your support.

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