The first Anime Club meeting of the year will be on Friday at 3:15 in room 130. Everyone is welcome!
আপনার মস্তিষ্ক কি অকেজো তথ্যে পূর্ণ? আপনার কি বাজ-দ্রুত প্রতিফলন এবং মুখস্থ করার দক্ষতা আছে? আপনি কি শুধু ট্রিভিয়া ভালবাসেন?? শিক্ষাগত বাটি খেলতে আসা!
Scholastic bowl is a game in which two teams compete head-to-head to answer questions from all areas of knowledge, including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, popular culture, sports, and more. We will be holding our first informational meeting next week Tuesday after school in room 108. Stop by or email Mr.Schaedel for more information
Film lovers! Come join us this Friday after school in room 261 to chat about movies and plan our events for the year.
"Are you interested in joining a movement to advance girls' skills, rights, and opportunities to be leaders? To learn more, please join Girl Up for an informational meeting this Friday, September 3rd at 7:15 am in Room 117. Everyone is welcome."
Are there any freshmen who would like to become Student Association class officers and missed the SA meeting this week? You can stop by Room 215 or 114 to get a packet of information. The packets are due on Weds, Sept 1st at the SA Meeting.
For anyone that is interested in wrestling this year and not playing a fall sport, we will begin preseason workouts on Tuesday, September 7th. Meet in the wrestling room at 3:20pm to start. If you have any questions, please see Coach Curby in Rm. 216.
Come join the Hip Hop Club tuesdays and thursdays in Room 134 from 3:15-4:15pm. Everyone is welcome.
Looking for a part-time job? Go to the website unter "Work permit Information" New opportunities have been added. Or stop in Student Services for more information.
Spanish Club will be having its first meeting of the year this Friday, September 03rd at 7:30AM in Mr. Tinoco's room 207. All students are welcome to join the club, even if you are not taking a Spanish class.
A representative from the University of Chicago will be visiting on Wednesday during 2nd hour in Student Services. Sign up through Naviance. If you have any questions regarding rep visits stop in Student Services
Mamma Mia! Later this month is Homecoming Spirit Week, it begins on Monday, September 20. Each day will have a theme and at the end of the week, on Friday, September 24, the whole school will celebrate together at the end of the school day Pep Rally in the Stadium. The Dance will also be held outside in the Stadium on Saturday, September 25, 7-10 pm. All RB students are welcome to attend! Stay tuned for more information in the near future!