Minority Empowerment Club will be sponsoring a Diaper/Feminine Product Drive starting November 5th and continuing until Dec 5th.  Donations can be dropped off in a box in the Main entrance (Door A) or in a box outside of Room 238.  If you have donations and can not get them to RB please contact Mrs. Lojas at [email protected] for a pickup.  Donations will be given to local shelters. 

The Student Association Coat & Blanket Drive has begun.  Please consider donating new and gently used coats, hats, gloves, mittens, scarves and blankets.  The drop-off box is in the Commons Area.  The Drive runs through Friday, Dec 4th.  Or for contactless drop-off bring your donations to the drive-thru drop-off on Thursday, Dec 3rd, 2-3 pm OR 5:30-7 pm.  We will be outside the Circle entrance off of Door A.  Any questions can be directed to Ms Ziola or Ms Koehler.  Thank you! 


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